Monday, May 28, 2012

English as Official Language Key to Other American Ails

English only foundations have made steady progress, especially on the state level.

Visit their websites! U.S. English, and English First all can be applauded for their advancements. It has been a slow process! But, state by state, piece by piece, it is happening! And, if you are a 10th amendment advocate, it is being done in the correct manner. English is, after all, a state concern. Isn't it?

A question was recently asked at a Taylorsville, Kentucky Tea Party function. "Is English as an official language a violation of the 10th amendment? Or, is it like the military, where each state has it's own militia but the country has a national armed forces?" The second amendment stipulates that the states have the right to bear arms and hold a militia. There is nothing in the constitution about a national language.

Diversity proponents would argue that there is no official language in the United States. They might reference the 10th amendment as a state's right to speak whatever language the majority wanted. Or, to have multiple languages as acceptable. This seems to be the direction that we have settled upon. The foundations evidently see this opposition as something to avoid. A better path may be to focus on the most "English friendly" states gaining victories whenever possible.

The opposite argument is simply, "87% of America favors English as the official language." These U.S. English numbers would indicate an overwhelming majority of the country wants it. What are the disadvantages?

Opponents use "discrimination" as a reason for not adopting English as our official language. This familiar excuse seems to resonate with diversity cultists. For some reason, they continue to believe that a uniform, first language excludes unfortunates who can't or won't assimilate. I know that they exist. But, they seem to be increasingly difficult to find!

The foundations seem to have some disagreement on "to what extent" English as the official language should be advanced. Pro English and English First like the idea of English only voting ballots and drivers license testing. They have a potential ally in some of the Tea Party groups. This development would save federal, state and local governments billions. Seems prudent! What's the problem?

To truly understand the question, it becomes important to understand the true importance of assimilation. And when that occurs, it becomes obvious that to truly have equally in the country, we must all have comparable understanding of one language. The diversity cultists argue vehemently that this isn't the case! But are they looking at the question from a "multidimensional sense?"

American tradition is one of a vast "melting pot." We come from nations all over the world, intermarry and our children are the fruits of our diversity. It can be easily argued that this is the "true diversity" of America. It makes us unique and the products of why our ancestors sought a new life in a new world. These opponents who object to English as the official language may have ulterior motives.

A "Balkanized" America offers profit and control to the limited few. In exchange for compromising assimilation for many, they continue to reap big dividends in the way of alternative language marketing. Plus, they maintain control of various segments of the population by making it easy to remain separate. Assimilation translates to a loss of both profit and control.

It begins with advancing English literacy in America. The more literate in English a citizen is, the more difficult that he or she will be to influence. It amounts to having improved access to communication. The more information that is available, the more knowledgeable the native. The more knowledgeable the native, the less dependent they are to those who would tell them what and how to think.

Should the foundations be taking a more aggressive approach?

Some would suggest that this isn't their place. They have a goal and they are quietly moving toward it. The alternative argument is that that the overwhelming support for English as the official language in America may create opportunities to address and resolve other needs.

With 87% of the population in favor of an idea, and a group founded on fiscal conservatism in solid support of it, you have the beginning of a coalition. Add those who strive to eliminate voter fraud and the coalition grows larger. Bring those groups in who are addressing identity theft and the coalition grows even larger.

To discuss English as the official language, coupled with the need for Charter schools, merit pay for teachers, school choice and six years of a second language in the public schools creates the potential of still another coalition. But would these goals "mesh?" It would appear so, but not so fast? There are actually education foundations who favor Charter schools, merit pay and school choice who would turn "thumbs down" to English as the official language. Why? Good question!

Then there is the issue that always seems interrelated with English as the official language: Immigration reform. This may explain the reluctance of some foundations to form coalitions. There are many proponents on the state level who might become alienated with foundations who sought alliances with Immigration reformers!

Immigration reform is a touchy item. It is, in the words of Karl Rove, "a politically toxic" subject. Still, if a moderate plan could be introduced with promise of advocates' support for English only, voter I.D.'s and Identity theft measures, a sweeping, far reaching compromise might come together.

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