To truly understand the mismanagement of immigration control, we must put a magnifying glass on the current process.
Most Americans are unaware of the Immigration lottery. Even fewer understand how it works. In condensed fashion, here it is: The United States government admits 50,000 immigrants per year via a lottery. In essence, these fortunates put their names in the state department's hat and receive a green card when their names are drawn.
No attempt is made to judge qualification. It seems that the only real qualification is "diversity." These "new Americans" could be illiterate. They could be coming from terrorist countries. Doesn't matter. As long as they are "diverse," it's okay.
Let's put it into a different perspective. What if a corporation hired people without reading their resumes? How about a professional baseball team that selected it's players from the telephone book? Or, a university that chose it's students from drawing names from fishbowls at local high schools?
Most Americans would ask, "are we stupid?"
I think we are! It almost lends credence to the belief that some unseen power is attempting to destroy America at the roots by allowing anybody and everybody into our country. Diversity, which is rapidly becoming the politically correct term for "an excuse to encourage and facilitate a lower standard," is always the lone justification.
The "Diversity Immigrant Visa Program" is not open to residents of countries that already send thousands of immigrants each year through other categories of admission. Canadians, Mexicans, Brazilians and Poles, to name a few, aren't eligible. Non-excluded countries are issued visas on how many from that country have already been accepted. The fewer a country may send, the more diversity visas it receives.
What do these "diversity" applicants need to have on their resume? A high school diploma OR two years working at a job that requires two years of training to hold. That's it!
The question becomes, "how can we correct this ill conceived practice?"
The immigration proposal outlined in "E" is for English introduces a points system that insures that America gets the most qualified immigrants. It works like this:
+-If you are under 30, you will receive 1 point.
+-If you are under 30 and have a college degree, you will receive a bonus point.
+- A high school diploma earns one point.
+- An undergraduate degree earns two point.
+- An advanced degree earns an additional point.
+- A medical degree earns three additional points.
+- The ability to pass a 4th grade English proficiency test earns a half point.
+- The ability to pass a high school English proficiency test earns two points.
+- A nursing degree gains an additional half point as does an engineering degree.
+- A trade is worth an additional half point.
+- If your departing country has NATO membership, you will receive an additional point.
+ Any receiver of a PHD at an American college or university would automatically receive a green card.
What about family ties in the United States. Under the current system, parents and children are given a higher priority than siblings. This would change. Under the "E" plan, children would receive three points,siblings would receive two points and parents one point.
So, if 27-year-old,Joseph Molinski of Kracow, Poland, an engineer capable of passing a high school English proficiency test seeks to join his brother in Skokie, Illinois, his qualification points would tally in this manner:
+-1 point because he was under 30
+-1 point because he had a high school diploma
+-2 points because he had a undergraduate degree
+-1 bonus point because he was both under 30 and held an college degree
+- 1/2 point because his degree was in engineering
+- 2 points because he was capable of passing a high school English proficiency test
+- 2 points because he had a sibling already residing in the United States.
+- 1 point because Poland is a member of N.A.T.O.
The United States would determine how many visas would be issued. The sole determinant would be cumulative points. There would be no quota or limit placed on any country.
Joseph's point total would be 10.5. If he was in the top percentile of applicants, he would be allowed to immigrate. It would not matter how many or how few fellow applicants came from Poland. Our goal would be simple: We want "the best of the best." Diversity would be irrelevent.
The idea behind the plan is very simple. We want younger, better educated immigrants more capable of immediate assimulation. The "E" plan would insure it. It would also be a major step toward perserving Social Security. People are livng longer than when the plan was conceived. That's good. But, it translates to more people receiving the entitlement. Our population is aging. We need younger, better educated and more qualified people to enter our work force.
Predicably, opponents of the plan would describe it as "racist." Their contention would be, "if you give preference to English speakers, you will be favoring certain countries?" And what about giving weight to applicants departing from NATO countries? After all, most of those countries are in Europe!
78% of immigrants arriving on diversity visas last year were born in Africa or Asia. Only 19% entered from Europe. The top ten sending countries were(in order) Ethiopia, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Kenya, Ghana, Ukraine, Morocco, and Nepal. Germany which has traditionally sent large numbers of immigrants to the U.S. ranked 16.
The greatest concern, even more than accepting less qualified applicants, is security. This past July a House Judiciary Committee approved a bill that would abolish the diversity lottery. Their reasoning was based on heightened security risks. There was also evidence of "pervasive fraud" in applications to the program including the use of fake birth certificates and passports to support multiple entries for a single person.
The immigration points system as outlined in "E" is for English has been referred to as the "most fair, practical and comprehensive" plan yet to be conceived. It simply guarantees a better educated, more qualified immigrant. Better yet, it arrests the aging of America. This may be the most fundamental point in saving Social Security.
The "E" plan defintely needs to be part of immigration reform discussion; politically correct or not.
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