Sunday, November 11, 2018

Voter Fraud Must be Eliminated at all Costs

What is currently taking place in Florida confirms why voter fraud is, or should be, a top ticket issue.

For those who read "E" is for English, you recall that the issue was discussed thoroughly. A solution was offered. At the time of publication, opposition suggested that the methodology might have been "too extreme." Today, more Americans are seeing the wisdom of the proposal.

Essentially, the proposal called for the requirement of "passage of a fourth grade English proficiency test" as a prerequisite for a voter Identification card. No pass. No card. No vote.

Opponents quickly proclaimed that any form of literacy test would "return America to the days of Jim Crow and voter suppression." At first glance, they might have a valid argument.

In Robert Caro's "Lyndon Johnson-Master of the Senate," stark examples were given of literacy tests designed to disenfranchise African American voters. The proposal detailed in "E" is for English, had a different objective.

The exam would be standardized nationally; by professionals who do it for a living. Specifically, the same people who create the LSAT, the GMAT, GRE, SAT and the ACT, who sit in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The objective would be single minded: "Insuring that all voters could English at a 4th grade level."

The argument against was seemingly valid: "It would disenfranchise large blocks of the population."

The counter argument stated, "if you cannot read at a fourth grade level, it's probable that you will not be capable of reading a complicated voting ballot.

The conclusion was "a paradigm shift" in America would need to occur. In short, Americans would need to see "voting as a privilege, not a right."

As expected, the cost of such an exam would be exponential. A "five-cent per household "residential access tax" levied on commercially and politically oriented direct mail," would pay for the measure.

Included in the measure would be the prize for passage of the exam: A "voter I.D. card, complete with photograph and thumb print."

The "E" Amendment also addressed two other "thorny" problems that have recently arisen.

One was "birthright citizenship." The "E" amendment called for defining birthright citizenship as "any person previously born in the United States who had been engaged in involuntary servitude or had held no previous status." The 14th amendment's framers had intended to include freed slaves and people of color who resided in America but enjoyed no status.
Unfortunately, manipulation followed.

Some concluded that American citizenship amounted to "flying over to have a baby," subsequently taking advantage of the easy "chain migration" standard. Others concluded that it translated to "making a mad dash across the desert" in hopes of getting through border security, with the goal of "knocking out a baby."

When Donald Trump took exception to both practices, he was called a racist, bigot, fascist, NAZI, white supremacist and everything in between!

The amendment required that all voters be United States Citizens.

It also called for basing congressional representation on "U.S. Citizens not persons." This idea actually was introduced a decade earlier by then Louisiana Senator, David Vitter. If adopted, California would lose six House seats, New York two and Illinois one. Oregon, Indiana, Tennessee, North Carolina,Georgia, Texas, Nebraska and Montana would add a seat each.

The "E" amendment proposed a "points" system for immigration, beginning with English proficiency and age. It also gave points for levels of education, profession and/ or a trade. Lastly, it gave points for country of origin. Those applicants from N.A.T.O. countries would be given a preference.

The proposed "American English Unification Amendment," AKA the "E" Amendment, would make English the official language by constitutional amendment. The previously named measures would be included.

Then Pro-English Director, Jayne Cannava called the proposed "E" Amendment, "a magnificent way to accelerate assimilation." U.S. English Director, Mario Mujica added that "87% of Americans favored" making English the official language in the country..

As expected, the American left would vehemently object to the proposed amendment. Mainly because it would eliminate "cheating" as a path to citizenship! Not to mention, winning elections! In their minds, those favoring passage of the E" amendment would be nothing short of "racists, bigots, fascists, NAZIs,and white supremacists."

Anticipating violence, the book called for "Eagles for America," a grassroots, nationwide support base, who would counter any insurgency that would be certain to spring from this amendment. While the book called for "non-violence," it is predictable that the "Eagles"would become the counter balance to ANTIFA.

The book suggested a concerted lobbying effort, designed to encourage politicians to pass the amendment, heavily relying on social media. In reality, "Eagles for America" could become a counter balance to the ANTIFA mobs.

From a constitutional perspective, it is easy to argue that 38 states would ratify this amendment. I have not heard from the President as of yet. But, he was mailed a copy of "E" is for English. I would think that if it makes it through his handlers, he might be the first to advocate it.

One thing is for certain: If "E" were the law of the land, there would be no Florida controversy at hand at this writing.

Also a definite is we would have a "stronger, smarter, more secure nation" as the book promised.

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