Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Approaching Storm

A budget deficit that grows with each passing second!

A partisan health care plan that threatens to destroy what is left of the American middle class!

A mess in the Middle East!

An absolute crisis on our Southern border that has the "smell" of something that was intentially inflicted by a divisive, power mad administration!

Governor Rick Perry has evidently had enough! He has elected to go it alone, in an effort to secure his 1200 mile stretch of the border. After years of pleas for help, the conclusion is, "Washington doesn't plan on helping!" If it is to be done, then Texas, with hopefully some help from other states, will attempt to stem the flow of undocumented souls pouring into our country!

Perry appears to have a grip on the problem. And, a solution! The problem is, the President doesn't think it's a high enough priority to make a visit to the border. Not that he wasn't recently in the neighborhood! It isn't that he wasn't asked by Perry personally! Perhaps, he simply can't grasp the urgency. After all Harry Reid himself, said this past week, that the border was indeed "secure."

More and more Republicans are ruefully acknowledging that the President doesn't want to do anything. Other than, to allow these "refugees" to stay, with hopes of spawning future Democrat voters! Never mind what the law says! Who cares about the constitution! The administration and friends consider the latter an anachonism anyway!

There are always unexpected consequences. Don't look now, but there are thousands of "thirty and forty something" veterans who are seeing this border crisis for what it could be: "Americas last stand." They are already unhappy with the administration. Whether it's Iraq, the V.A., or even the Marine interned in Mexico, all signs indicate that this President doesn't like them very much.

Not that Governor Perry is urging these forgotten Patriots to expend their resources and energy on such an undertaking! He isn't! But, he is, after all, a fellow veteran! Not a weekend warrior, but a former Air Force C-130 pilot! When compared to the current Commander-in-Chief, there is no comparison! Odds are, he's just the guy they've been looking for! Certainly worth a trip south, accompanied by their personally owned AR-15 and, say, 3000 rounds...

This is an exceptionally dangerous scenario! Without question, Texas is not alone. Even more alarming is these "Patiots" actual lust to get into a fight, preferably with the Americans who they have gradually grown to hate!

As always, liberals would pigeonhole it as "race based." In truth, these "Patriots" represent a "rainbow coalition!" Those inspiring their ire often work in unelected positions holding perceived dictatorial authority. Many "Patriots" have struggled in Obama's anemic economy. Perry's promise of "less regulation, less government and more economy prospertity," symbolizes deliverance.

Governor Perry talks about accomplishments and achievements. He points to an America that reaches for the sky. This message of hope and confidence is not lost on these frustrated soldiers of fortune. They understand it better than most! Years of neglect have culminated into unquenchable anger. To rally behind a cause can quickly transform anger into joy!

No doubt, many in the Perry camp would be slightly nervous with this development. As one supporter put it, "the media would portray us as the bad guys, like so many were viewed in Nevada. Receiving financial help from other states would be welcomed."

That, too, may be forthcoming. But the possibility of thousands of veterans, many battle tested, showing up in Texas to defend the border, would likely be greeted enthusiastically by apprehensive locals. They would likewise influence those BLM, DHS and National Guardsman trying to cope with a problem increasingly seen as both self inflicted and infinite!

Imagine a 23-year-old, suddenly confronted by a 35-year-old. The later has, at the very least, been through the grind. At the most, he (or she) has experienced a tour. Think how easy it would be for the older soldier "to get into" the younger soldiers' head! Get the picture? Alas, the perfect storm!

Don't forget, the military is going through a downsize, courtesy of the administration. There is clearly a morale problem throughout the armed forces. The prevailing paradigm amounts to being "unappreciated and no longer needed." Thus, when the 35-year-old reminds the 23-year-old that their oath is to "defend the constitution," not the presidency, the circle becomes complete!

It is estimated that there are about 270 million firearms held by the civilian population which are accounted for. It is believed that there are an additional 270 million firearms unaccounted for. Nearly all are in the hands of roughly "30%" of the population. Can we guess who these Americans are?

How about law enforcement officials? Has anyone checked to see where the majority of them stand, ideologically?

Conservatives in America are seething! Most have reached a tipping point. The consensus of opinion reins consistent: "liberals have used everything from voter fraud to an overreaching judicial system to force their agenda upon America."

Equally disquieting is the near universal belief that the system has failed. Any remaining confidence in leadership dissipates with each Thad Cochran candidacy.

"Fixing America" via a constitutional convention is openly discussed. Term limits, English only, a definition of marriage and a more simplied tax code are hot topics! They are joined with calls to repeal the 14th, 16th, and 17th amendments. On a growing number of tongues are Malcolm X's historic ultimatum: "The ballot or the bullet."

Should there be a second American Civil War, make no mistake! It will be ideological, not sectional. It will not be North versus South or East versus West! It will be "Liberals versus Conservatives." The Liberals will lose! Decisively!

Following the rout, massive immigration to Canada, Europe, South America, even Africa can be anticipated! Perhaps twenty million Americans will permanently exit the country. Their Conservative victors will proclaim, "don't let the door hit you on the way out!" Left behind will be the "Sheeple," who will, in effect, be granted release from their dubious destiny of drone duty.

Could this apocalyptic future unfold? Perhaps! Thomas Jefferson noted that, "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." That time may be upon us!

Governor Perry is not advocating such an outcome! Without question, he would do everything in his power to thwart a calamity of this magnitude! History has proven, however, that leaders are often not self chosen!

Sadly our country looks to be approaching the point of no return. The left has pushed relentlessly, obviously unconcerned that they might be overplaying their hand! Arrogantly, they have concluded that their intellectual superiority will prevail over their slower talking, seemingly provincial counterpart. Tragically overlooked is the determination held by the latter. Not to mention the passion!

It is hoped that Governor Perry can secure the border. While it's shameful that the President has chosen to take a back seat, it isn't wholly unexpected. Open borders will result in increase crimes against the civilian population. As former Idaho Congressman, Curtis Bowers implied in his documentary, "Agenda: Grinding America Down," citizens will "relinguish freedoms while welcoming more government when threatened with violence and anarchy."

The good news is there appears to be room for a compromise on the border crisis. Better yet, there is an approaching midterm election.

Should the Republicans reclaim Senate majority, while holding House serve, a brief lull could follow. Not to suggest that things will be settled! The President has made it clear that if Congress won't comply, "I have a pen and a phone."

The political establishment would like to see Obama leave office without incident. The problem is, he may not be interested in going quietly. An ideologue to the last, Barack Obama looks determined to finish what he started. Even, if it carries cataclysmic consequences.

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